Three Common Boat Repairs That You Should Never Put Off Getting

As summer begins to roll around, more and more Australians will start to dip their toes back into the warming water. For those who own boats, now is the time of year when many begin to start taking them out of their storage places and take them for their first spin of the season. With so many more boats out on the water, and with many still trying to get rid of the cobwebs that they had from their hibernation, it is no surprise that many little scuffs and accidents are bound to happen. However, it is never a good idea to put off boat repairs, even if they seem relatively minor like the three listed below.

Gelcoat Repairs

Gelcoat is an important material that is used as the finish on many fibreglass boats. Not only does it make the boats it covers sparkle, but it protects them from a lot of damage that saltwater can do. Even a little scratch can start to cause damage to the inside of your boat, which is why you need boat repairs for any gouges or scrapes as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more the problem will infect your boat, and it could end up causing serious structural damage. 

Replacement Stringers

Stringers are wooden boards that hold up the floor of your boat and are generally present all along the bottom of the hull. While you can't directly see them, you can definitely feel when stringers start to rot or lose their internal integrity. The floor will become weaker and you may even feel a little unevenness when you walk on it. A major part of boat repairs is the replacement of these old, rotten stringers with new, stronger ones. If you wait too long, you could seriously injure yourself as you fall through the floor due to a recently broken stringer. 

Upholstery Replacement

Marine upholstery needs to be very resistant to water, salt and constant exposure to the sun, and even then, most materials have a limited lifespan. If your upholstery is starting to crack and fade, then you should get them replaced and repaired to ensure that the more important structural parts of your furniture, such as the beds and seats, don't get ruined as well. Boat repair contractors fix all sorts of problems relating to your vessels, and many have special upholstery experts who can breathe new life into everything from your cushions to your carpet. 

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